I charge USD$400 for a single faced portrait Painted on canvas 19 inch by 24 inches ( 50cm by 60 cm ) and the videos on USB, of it being painted one full length and one 3 minute edited version.plus $50 Express international shipping , as I live in Australia
A double faced portrait is $50 more USD $450 plus $50 Express international shipping .
Canvas size
19 inches by 24 inches (50cm by 60 cm) shipping $50.USD sent Auspost express
30 inches by 24 inches. (75cm by. 60 cm) shipping $50 USD sent Auspost express
40 inches by 30 inches (100 cm by 80cm.) shipping $250 sent courier,
(example 40in x 30in single face ) 450plus $250 usd total. $700 usd
Please choose one of the descriptions below for the video classification.
GN (Genital Nudity ) showing the penis painting process with the genitals shown from all angles, close up artistically filmed
R xxx Showing the penis painting , with lots of erections filmed for shock value happy endings optional (soft porn) (extra $100usd)
Anything els considered please advise
If you still want to continue Please send me a photo and i will send you a Paypal request
Cheers Tim
If you are in Australia visit me at my Studio
165 Freemans road Lower Beechmont Queensland
Phone first to check I'm home 0417461031
I will paint for anyone who visits at BARGAN prices as it is much easier and more fun painting live, you CAN take the video or photos. or just say g'day and watch me paint look around and relax on my back veranda and take in the stunning views. bring your friends food and drink ill fire up the Barbecue I can paint all of you call my mobile 0417 461 031 or my email address pricasso.art@gmail.com